Wednesday 25 November 2015

Country, Religion or Species

I was seeing the response of people to a question asked in a multiple choice format. It was – “You are most proud of – a) Your Country b) Your Religion c)Being Human d)unable to answer. People from certain country mostly responded with answer a, while people of certain religion responded with answer b, irrespective of which country they lived in and a very small minority went for the answer c and d. The answer may not surprise many readers. What surprised me most was the clarity with which people answered between a and b. People are brought up in a certain way since childhood. Some people have a clear bent towards religion and some do not. Please wait for another real surprise. In another survey of similar kind, the answer c was changed with the word ‘Yourself’. Now the things changed drastically. The probability of answers being c or even d increased quite a bit towards higher side. That’s how we have fluid priorities. We are so fluid in our thoughts that we can easily be fooled by news reports, TV debates and even commercials of various kinds. Actually we do not understand much about need for favouring any particular choice. Every thing in our brain works like a pre-programmed computer. Good news is that we can be programmed in a positive way too. Let us do some introspection as a society and as an Individual to find the ways and means to do a positive wiring of our brain. 
Dr. Sunil Ji Garg

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