Saturday 26 December 2015

Always Hitting The Bull’s Eye

There was once a Jewish Rabbi who had the habit of answering every question by telling a story. One day someone asked him how he was able to do so successfully.
Smiling the old teacher replied; “That reminds me of a story. Once a young soldier was travelling through the countryside when he stopped to rest his horse in a small village. As he walked around he spotted a wooden fence. On the pickets were a few dozen small circles made of chalk and right in the centre of each circle there was a bullet hole. ‘What amazing accuracy,’ the soldier thought as he examined the fence. ‘There is not a single shot that has not hit the bull’s eye.’
The soldier quickly set out to find the one who possessed such great skill. He was told that the sharpshooter was a small boy. “Who taught you how to shoot so well?” asked the soldier. “I taught myself,” the young lad replied. Not satisfied, the soldier kept asking, “To what do you attribute your great skill?” “Actually,” the young lad replied, “it is not very difficult at all. First I shoot at the wall, and then take a piece of chalk and draw circles around the holes.” 
The rabbi chuckled for a moment. “Now you know my secret. I do not look for a story to answer a question. I collect every good story or parable I hear and store it in my memory. When the right occasion arises, I point the story in its direction. In effect, I simply draw a circle around a hole that is already there.”
“We sometimes come across people who are adept at bringing out an appropriate story suited just for the occasion, and wish if we could do the same. You see; it is so simple. Any one could beneficially become an expert at it, if only would take a little trouble, a little practice. The stories are all there; you have heard them over and over again. Each of them have a particular moral or meaning, and that is what interests the mind proper. It is just the question of training the mind a little to go directly to the appropriate one and shut out the rest. All it requires is a little practice, which in no time becomes habitual.” Kelmet

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