Tuesday 29 March 2016

The Skeptic and the Wizard

Just listen to these conversations. Deep in the state of Georgia an outback farmer, barefoot and ragged, sat on the veranda of his tumbledown shack. Along came a stranger who asked for a drink of water. Trying to be pleasant, the stranger asked, 
“How is your cotton coming along this year?” 
“I don’t have any,” replied the farmer.
“Didn’t you plant any?” asked the stranger. 
“Nope,” said the farmer. “I was afraid of the we evils.”
“Well, how is your corn then?” 
“Didn’t plant any of that either. Was afraid there wasn’t going to be any rain.” 
Still trying to be helpful, the stranger asked, “Well, how about your potatoes?” 
“I don’t have any. I’m afraid of the potato bugs.” 
“Well, what did you plant this year?” asked the astonished visitor.
“Nothing,” answered the farmer. “I just played it safe.” 
Truly we pity with this farmer a sure and confirmed candidate for failure! 
There is still another group that is commonly found these days. 
In the next scene we find a wizard. Two friends, Ravi and Soma, lived in a town; they were very good friends. Ravi was an intelligent man and Soma always made it a point to take his advice whenever he had to decide on something. It was a time when mobile phones were slowly taking over. One day Soma asked Ravi, “I think of buying a mobile hand phone Ravi.” 
Ravi replied, “Mobile phone is always a good thing; what that is in the market now are simple analogue kits. If you can wait a little you will be able to buy a phone with a camera. I read that a company has almost launched it.” Soma waited for a year and he saw the ad saying that camera phones are now available in the town outlet. 
Soma was about to go to the town to buy one. Ravi asked him, “Are you going to buy this 1 MP camera phone? One MP is not enough for a good picture. If you can wait, you will get a 3 MP camera phone for almost the same price.” 
And when 3 MP camera phones came in, Ravi suggested that investing in an Android phone is better. Ravi keep on advising Soma and as far as I know, everybody in the town except Soma and Ravi have mobile phones. 
Aren’t they also sure candidates for failure? 
It is said that our wisdom comes from our experience, and our experience comes from our foolishness. How true!

Joseph Mattappally

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