Saturday 10 December 2016

Integrated World Order

Few days later Atma Prakash came to his Guruji. He asked him,
‘Guruji, what is this ‘Integrated World Order’ about which you were talking to Mohini, your disciple?’
The Baba closed his eyes for some time and then looked at Atma Prakash with great affection… and said,
‘Small minds and closed hearts are like Billiard balls, my son. They are hitting each other at all times. The Billiard Board is a battlefield. The balls are ever clashing with one another…
‘Divisive visions and selfish interests make individuals, communities, nations and religions like Billiard balls. They will make the world a great Billiard Board, a global battlefield…
‘Disintegrated individuals create a disintegrated world around themselves, wherever they go and in whatever they do. A peaceless person is the seed of a peaceless world. This rule also holds good for nations and religions….
‘Peace needs unity and harmony. It comes from an integrated personality and from an integral vision of life and reality. An integrated person, as we know, is a person whose body, mind and spirit are in harmony. He or she will be a person whose thoughts, words and deeds are also in harmony. Integrated persons will be at peace with themselves and with the world. This is also true for communities, nations and religions… 
‘An ‘Integrated World Order’, my son, is the vision of a World Order constituted by such integrated individuals, integrated communities, integrated nations and integrated religions’. 
The Baba stopped and looked at Atma Prakash who seemed to be totally absorbed in what his guru was saying.
‘Love is the integrating and harmonizing force in the world. It is that which holds us together, that which holds everything together…..
‘However, the love we know of and speak about often is only a very limited and superficial understanding based on a very limited experience of the great ‘Cosmic love force’ which can also be referred to as God. We have also seen that many religions and saints of humankind have already been speaking of and referring to God this way….
‘The Cosmic love force, which is the creative power of God, is ever compassionate, ever benevolent, ever forgiving, eternally enduring and unconditionally self-giving. This is ‘divine love’. We have also seen that the best example of such divine love manifested in human history is in the person of Sadguru Jesus Christ, and hence, we refer to him as the ‘Son of God’. 
‘All of us are ‘sons’ and ‘daughters’ of God, but he is a ‘Son’ with a capital ’S’ just to signify the quality and quantity of divine love that he embodied. If we can embody such divine love, we will also be ‘Christ-like’ persons. In fact, all of us are called to be such Christ-like persons, whom we had earlier referred to as ‘sovereign spiritual persons’….
‘Hence, we can say that an ‘Integrated World Order’ is a World Order based on divine love that is ever forgiving, enduring and self-sacrificing. It is a new World Order built on the foundation of the divine love working through human hearts. For a deeper understanding of an Integrated World Order you may please refer to the book ‘A Vision and a Mission for the Third Millennium’. 

Excerpts from Integral Revolution

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