Tuesday 6 December 2016

On Attitude

Attitude decides everything and so we are always cautioned about being in the right attitude. See, Rs. hundred is too much for a beggar but okay when it’s given as tip at a fancy restaurant; hours at a gym look alright, but helping the mother at home doesn’t. Praying three minutes turns boring but never a three hours long movie. The length of a given unit of time also changes according to our attitude. When we are in pain time is unusually longer. In all these cases, it is our attitude that makes the difference. 

Many times I have pondered on this strange human behaviour. No satisfactory answer! This strange behavior is seen not only among the commons but among the great uncommons too. Two poor starving kids sitting on the pavement may not get even a slice of bread but a realistic painting of them might fetch many lakhs of Rupees. It is because of this human tendency to see everything through a sensually appreciable frame that we have an established advertising industry which presents everything in a way people easily loves to have. 

Digging deep, we understand that our attitudes are mostly shaped by our past experiences, especially those that we had in childhood years. Because of these experiences we have lost our purpose with all social activities - religions too. We have now swiping machines decorating the idols and what we develop also is a swiping spirituality. Somebody has embedded in most believers that religion is something to be learned. What is more important in religion – experience, ethical codes or knowledge? Certainly experience. Spiritual experiences are subtler and need not be physical at all. Then why are there big institutes for Philosophy, Theology and Ethics? It is because our attitudes have not changed. 

It is right attitude that takes us to the right experience. Right attitude can easily be identified by observing the grade of consideration we apply, when deciding upon things where another thing from Nature is involved. Always think in other’s favour. It is when your sibling smiles that your peace buds blossom within you. Everything in this Universe is created in a way that it cannot resist love or an expression filled with it. A smile anyone gets makes his/her whole day bright. Give it to everyone for free!

Joseph Mattappally

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