Thursday 8 December 2016

Kindness is Stronger

Doctor Norman Vincent Peale recounts a story his father told him about a reporter he knew who covered William McKinley’s campaign for the presidency of the United States.  His newspaper was violently opposed to McKinley, and he was supposed to travel on the train with McKinley and send back negative stories at every opportunity.
At first he did – and McKinley know it. But one bitterly cold afternoon the reporter fell asleep, huddled on the green plush end of the unheated railroad car.  McKinley came by, stopped and spread his own overcoat over the man.
When the reporter awoke and found out what had occurred, he resigned from the paper.  He could no longer malign a man big enough to answer his criticisms with kindness.
- Dr. Norman Vincent Peale
It is said, ‘Be kind to unkind people - they need it the most’. According to Mark Twain, “Kindness is a language which even the deaf can hear and the blind can see”. We pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that we can do, or any kindness that we can show to any fellow creature, let us do it now; let us not defer or neglect it, for we shall not pass this way again.

Indian Thoughts Archives

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